
Of Two Minds
Part of me really loves or wants to loves *itch Planet.
Part of me is uneasy with *itch Planet.
It's feminism is intersectional but that doesn't mean it's not bull. Intersections and depictions are tricky, especially when you don't reside in the specific crosshairs.
I've seen white women mess up time and again. Sometimes things just feel iffy & I can't articulate it. This is one of those times.
If I saw more positive reviews from black women and a black woman at the helm of this production, my mind would be more at ease.
As it is, my fellow white women, stay vigilant.
As a comic reader: I loved the 80s art and style. The fake ads were clever and well used.
It's satire of the Juvenal pursuation. Taking the oppressive sexism to extreme futuristic dystopian levels.
I like the discussion guide in the back, how it names intersectional feminism directly taking the bull by its horns.
There is nudity but it's tied to the story & I don't think perpetuates the male gaze. BUT given it's majority POC and black women bodies, it's entirely possible I'm missing it as I've been inundated with media's problematic usage my whole life.
There is violence, institutional devised violence. I again don't think it's gratuitous but grain of salt.
As far as comparing it to Orange is the New Black: I've never seen it though I've heard all the high praise for it so I don't get the problem?
Part of me really loves or wants to loves *itch Planet.
Part of me is uneasy with *itch Planet.
It's feminism is intersectional but that doesn't mean it's not bull. Intersections and depictions are tricky, especially when you don't reside in the specific crosshairs.
I've seen white women mess up time and again. Sometimes things just feel iffy & I can't articulate it. This is one of those times.
If I saw more positive reviews from black women and a black woman at the helm of this production, my mind would be more at ease.
As it is, my fellow white women, stay vigilant.
As a comic reader: I loved the 80s art and style. The fake ads were clever and well used.
It's satire of the Juvenal pursuation. Taking the oppressive sexism to extreme futuristic dystopian levels.
I like the discussion guide in the back, how it names intersectional feminism directly taking the bull by its horns.
There is nudity but it's tied to the story & I don't think perpetuates the male gaze. BUT given it's majority POC and black women bodies, it's entirely possible I'm missing it as I've been inundated with media's problematic usage my whole life.
There is violence, institutional devised violence. I again don't think it's gratuitous but grain of salt.
As far as comparing it to Orange is the New Black: I've never seen it though I've heard all the high praise for it so I don't get the problem?